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About Amber

Amber Danielle Avery is the founder of Biblically Me, a small group movement that promotes exploring your biblical identity in Christ and who He has called us to be. Biblically Me was founded in September 2015 and began to grow at the Kingdom Church in Orlando, FL. Founder, Amber challenges the body of Christ to seek God’s perfect will for their lives through reading His word and applying it to their every day lives.

A native of Jacksonville, FL, Amber is the oldest of her 3 siblings and the only girl in her immediate family. She’s spent the majority of her life traveling the world, having grown up in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, as her father served in the United States NAVY for 26 years. She now resides in Houston, TX, having graduated from UCF with a bachelors in English with a concentration in Creative Writing and a minor in Leadership.

Amber currently enjoys her career in sales, all things sweet and make up, too! On her off days you can find her blogging, vlogging, working out or tucked away reading a great book. Follow her as she follows and submits her life to Christ!