“To the faithful you show yourself, faithful.” Psalms 18:25
I’m in the process of breaking this habit where I really get in to a groove with my prayer life, spending time with God and experiencing these euphoric highs of peace and being led by the spirit…only to ride said high as long as I can before engaging with God again, consistently.
It’s like eating all day Monday and relying on all of your fuel from that day to power all of your workouts for the rest of the week, it’s impossible. There are certain carb, protein and fat ratios that you want to consume DAILY to get the best results out of your time spent in the gym.
I believe that my walk with God should be the same in a sense. We always talk about wanting to see God do great things in our lives, to have blessings, peace and a close relationship with him, but our actions don’t reflect this desire. My prayer all year has been that God will show me ways in which I can demonstrate my love for him. I can tell God that I love him all day everyday, but are my actions telling him that I truly love and revere him? What exactly am I doing daily to show him that I love him?
Because I spend a significant amount of time out in the world, working, working out, grocery shopping, attending church, or whatever else, there’s a chance that I could very well go an entire day without awknowledging God. I was chatting with a new friend over lunch the other day and she told me about a time when she and her friends were all describing what a “perfect day” would be like in their eyes. After all of the women had shared, they realized that none of them had mentioned God in their “perfect days” at all.
While this speaks volumes, you also want to give people the benefit of the doubt. It’s kind of like sitting around with girlfriends and talking about your dream husband and no one mentions that they want him to be born again or saved. Among your group of friends you already know that your husband being a man after God’s own heart is a MUST so it’s disregarded in conversation and we giggle about other things like how tall and handsome we hope our husbands will be. But I digress, if we’re describing our “perfect days” and we proclaim to know and love Christ why wouldn’t we mention him?
I can honestly say that I have found the most success in my career and walk with God when: A) I’ve saught God daily, praying and worshipping and spending time reading my bible. B) When I’ve taken the iniciative to go the extra mile in service, standing firm in my integrity and focusing on my own personal performance. He always looks out for me, even when it doesn’t seem or feel like it.
So why do I continue to go through this cycle of being hot and then cold in my efforts to cultivate and grow a meaningful relationship with God?
Maturity. Desire, but mostly maturity. The difference between the man who has and the man who has not is often because one of them is consistently doing something that the other is not, whether he feels like it or not. He is mature enough to know that certain habits and living a certain lifestyle will yield results in spite of his feelings or emotions. My life isn’t a contest between me and others who are in the faith, but a test of my stamina in this race of life.
I believe that if I continue to stay in constant communion with the Lord, that I will broaden my possibilities of hearing from him, and obeying what I hear on a more consistent basis. I would love to say that the content on this website is birthed from sheer desire and dedication but often times I post because I feel led to, or I experience something exciting in life that Holy Spirit gives me perspective on. This website was dormant for months on end because I wasn’t spending quality time with God and didn’t feel inspired to write or have any idea as to what I should be writing about. Now that I’ve become more consistent in seeking God, I’ve found that hearing his voice and producing content is not only easier than I thought, but I enjoy doing it.
We must strive to continue to submit our selfishness unto the Lord, seeking him faithfully in all things. As I meditate of Psalms 1:1-6 today and tonight, I pray that you too will take an opportunity to get consistent and faithful, and to remain that way, well into the new year!
With love,
Amber D.
Snapchat: amberdavery